Freeland Middle School 8th grade health students presenting their project based learning products to various audience members this week. The students did a great job!
over 5 years ago, Freeland Middle School
It's always a pleasure having Mr. Lambert visit FMS to perform a dramatic read of The Raven for our 8th grade students.
over 5 years ago, Freeland Middle School
Lambert - ELA
Lambert ELA
Freeland Schools is waiting patiently for the lights on the west side of the Middle School Crosswalk to be repaired. Please continue to drive safely and slowly on Webster Road in the mornings, watching out for our children, and stopping for them in the crosswalk.
over 5 years ago, Freeland Community School District
Check out Ms. Heckman's Computer Science Discoveries class intently working on using HTML coding to develop their own website.
over 5 years ago, Freeland Community School District
FMS Travel Club is hosting a fundraiser w/ Farmer Bill @ Warmbier Farms. Take your family to Farmer Bill's for some fall fun. Let them know you're from Freeland & they will donate a portion of your admission to the Travel Club to support students traveling to New York City.
over 5 years ago, Freeland Community School District
Mr. Bob the Box Top Boss and his friends need YOU to support FMS by dropping off Box Tops to homeroom teachers or the main office October 10th-24th. All funds raised will support FMS clubs, programs, and initiatives.
over 5 years ago, Freeland Middle School
Box top
Regional Middle School Robotics kick off held in Freeland.
over 5 years ago, Freeland Community School District
FMS had a great spirit week celebrating Homecoming. Go Falcons!
over 5 years ago, Freeland Middle School
Spirit day
Night day
Freeland Middle/High School is still looking for an accompanist to support our Choir program once a week for two hours. Please contact Mrs. Wulff for more information at 989-692-4032.
over 5 years ago, Freeland Middle School
Things are looking very tropical today at FMS. Don’t forget to wear your PJs for Night Day tomorrow.
over 5 years ago, Freeland Middle School
The 8th grade volleyball teams came out strong against Birch Run last night. Athletes to highlight are, Evelynn Rybicki and Ashlyn Koch. The white team won in all three games. The green team fought their way through three games, highlights include Myah Gleason and Alyssa Spegel.
over 5 years ago, Freeland Middle School
During the Spartan Cross Country Invitational over the weekend, Braydon Honsinger (8th grader) won the middle school 3200m race. Noah Graham (8th grader) rounded out the group with a time of 12:40. Both earned a medal. Congratulations - another proud day to be a running Falcon!
over 5 years ago, Freeland Middle School
Cross Country
Cross Country
Weekly, Freeland Schools highlights a staff member. Kelly Baker serves as the District Executive Secretary. Kelly enjoys "working behind the scenes with an awesome group of people to ensure that everyday operations run smoothly & being surrounded by such a supportive community."
over 5 years ago, Freeland Community School District
Freeland is selling a 34 year old GMC Pickup. Contact John Luberda (989.695.5101) to test drive. Bids to Kelly Baker ( or Freeland Schools, 710 Powley, Freeland, MI 48623. Bidding closes 10/3/18. Bidders must include name, phone #, and e-mail address.
over 5 years ago, Freeland Community School District
Truck for Sale
Truck For Sale
7th grade students in their American Sign Language Explorations class practicing the sign "Help".
over 5 years ago, Freeland Middle School
Picture day for Freeland Middle School is tomorrow, September 11th. Get your smiles ready!
over 5 years ago, Freeland Middle School
Today, our student body is taking time to learn about expectations in each of our shared spaces in the middle school. This is part of our work with positive behavior supports here at FMS!
over 5 years ago, Freeland Middle School
Gotts 8th Grade
Townsend 7th Grade
First day of school for our FMS students! Things are going great!
over 5 years ago, Freeland Middle School
Ms. Shea’s Algebra I class working on their daily warm up activity.
Mrs. Williamson has students doing a blind date book activity in 8th grade English.
Students in Mrs. DeShone’s math class worked a lot with the number four today!
Mr. Townsend’s class kicking things off with a get to know your classmates activity.