
An update as to what is occuring with Freeland's “in-person” learners:

Y5-6th grade students will continue remotely on Monday (12/7) and Tuesday (12/8) next week. Beginning Wednesday (12/9), Y5-6th grade students will return to “in-person” learning.

The educational delivery system for our 9th-12th grade students after Tuesday, December 8th, will be decided by the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) next week.  Currently “in-person” instruction is prohibited.  Due to shared staff issues, our 7th & 8th grade students will, for the immediate future, follow the directives given for 9th-12th by the State.  Should “in-person” learning be allowed for our 9th-12th grade students next week, all students, 7-12, will be brought back to school.  If it is delayed, 7-12 “in-person” instruction will be delayed.